Monday, August 19, 2013

An Inside Look at ADHD

 The following infographics from The Brain Balance Achievement Centers of Greater Philly share an inside look at ADHD. 

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention and/or hyperactive-impulsive behavior. There are three types of ADHD: Type 1 is predominantly characterized as problems with attention and is sometimes referred to as ADD while Type 2 is predominantly characterized as hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Type 3 combines symptoms of both.

What are some common strengths and weaknesses of kids with Type 1 and Type 2 ADHD?

If your child struggles with symptoms of ADHD, we invite you to consider the Brain Balance Program®. A new control study shows that our program eliminates ADHD symptoms in 81% of participating children after completing a 12 week program. Clinical research indicates that most neuro-developmental disorders have in common an under-connectivity between the two hemispheres of the brain called Functional Disconnection Syndrome. After completing a comprehensive assessment in one of our centers, our team develops a customized program to address your child’s particular issues. Our program integrates physical, sensory motor, and cognitive exercises with nutritional guidance to effectively address the root cause of these issues, leading to a reduction or elimination of negative symptoms and behaviors. Contact us today to learn more, and don’t miss our 2013 Back to School Guide!

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