Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Research Study Showing the Effectiveness of the Brain Balance Program

Brain Balance is excited to announce a new research study published in "Frontiers in Public Health" showing the effectiveness of the Brain Balance Program.

159 children between the ages of 6 and 12 were pre and post tested in sensory motor and academics and assessed using behavior scales. 122 of those children then went through a 12 week course of Brain Balance while the remaining 37 children served as a "control" by not going through the program.

The children going through the Brain Balance Program showed significant improvement of greater than 2 years in Word Reading (62%), Spelling (76%), Written Expression (76%) and Listening Comprehension (82%). Math Reasoning improved less dramatically but still significant when compared to the control group. The control group did not show significant differences in any academic measurements.

Regarding the Behavior Scales, the Brain Balance group showed significant improvements in Behavior scores, in fact, 81% no longer qualified as ADHD. Conversely, the control group showed a worsening in Behavior scores.

Obviously we are thrilled with this study showing objective proof of the effectiveness of the Brain Balance Program.


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